I love gelato. I used to have a gelato maker machine when I was little (as I was already a foodie). I am sure many Italian kids had la Macchina del Gelato, very 80s toy.
I tried this recipe this week as it's hard to find good gelato in Knoxville... This recipe is amazing because doesn't require a gelato maker (even if I am thinking about getting one).
The result is impressive, the preparation is super quick and simple, only 5 ingredients! I thought you might like it.
I used Vitamix. The only thing you might have is a powerful blender.

INGREDIENTS (2 big bowls)
200ml heavy cream
200ml whole milk
100ml water
100g white sugar
100g unsalted pistachios
Bring the water and sugar to boil on low heat
Remove from the stove and let it cool off till is lukewarm (=tiepido l'ho imparato oggi ahahahha)
Mix the milk and the cream into a bowl and add the water+sugar syrup
Blend with a hand blender (a immersione)
Transfer your gelato into silicone molds (I used the muffin molds but you can also use the ice cubes one)
Leave it in the freezer for a night
The next day take your gelato out, put into a powerful blender like Vitamix, and blend it
Add the pistachios and mix till you have a smooth texture
Transfer it into an aluminium container (I used the plumcake mold)
Put it back into the freezer for 6 hours
Before serving it I took it out from the freezer, waited for 5', and re-blend it. It turned out extra creamy
Top with crushed pistachios
Enjoy! Buona merenda!
Have it within 3-4 days. Ours lasted 1 day!