INGREDIENTS: (24cm cake pan)
7.7 oz-220 gr flour (I used corn and brown rice 50%/50%)
1oz-30 gr potato or corn starch
2 eggs
4.4 oz-125 gr plain yogurt (vegetable based if you want it dairy free)
3.17 oz-90 gr brown sugar
4 tbsp - 60 ml coconut oil
1 tbsp - 16 gr baking powder (me lievito vanigliato Bartolini)
a pinch of salt
a couple of spoon of rasins
4-5 fresh figs
a handful of chopped almonds
q.b. sliced almonds

Put the raisins in a glass with water and turn your oven on at 355F-180C
Mix the eggs with the sugar for about 5 minutes or until it becomes thick, fluffy. I used KitchenAid gradually increasing speed
Add a pinch of salt
Add the yogurt and the coconut oil and keep on mixing
Decrease speed to minimum and add the flours and the baking powder
Finish including the raisins and the chopped almonds
Cover your cake pan with parchment paper and pour the mix in it
Finish with the figs cut in halves and the sliced almonds
Bake for 40' at 355F/180C
Perfect to serve with tea or for breakfast
Buon Appetito!